Oh-Sung Kwon, Ph.D., P.Eng
2024 – Associate Chair, Research
2023 – 2024 Associate Chair, Graduate Programs
2020 – Professor, University of Toronto
2015 – 2020. Associate Professor, University of Toronto
2010 – 2015. Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
2008 – 2010. Assistant Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology
2007 – 2008. Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2019 – 2023. Adjunct Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
2017, 2020, 2024. Visiting Professor, Seoul National University, Korea
Ph.D. 2007. Civil Engineering (Structures), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.S. 2005. Civil Engineering (Geotech.), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.S. 2002. Architectural Structure, Hanyang University, Seoul Korea
BASc 2000. Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul Korea
2019 – present. Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering
2017 – 2019. Associate Editor, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
2012 – 2015. Editorial manager, Journal of Earthquake Engineering
Postdoctoral Research Fellows
Jacob Yager, 2025-present. Co-supervision with Prof. Bentz
Experimental/analytical study on shrinkage through thickness of NPP concrete wall
Ph.D. Students
Raymond Ma, 2018-present.
Development of a hybrid simulation method for horizontal structural members subjected to fire and its application to structural collapse simulation due to fire
Junyan Xiao, 2019-present, Co-supervision with Prof. Bentz
The behavior of RC shear wall in APR1400 subjected to realistic boundary conditions through hybrid simulation
Qiujin Ma, 2019-present.
Resilience assessment of APR1400 nuclear power plant
Joaquin Acosta, 2019-present.
Integration of BIM in performance-based seismic design
Aniss Zaoui, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Co-supervision with Prof. Chul Park. 2022-present.
Strategies for the toughening of cementitious materials using polymer fibers
Liam Ma, Co-supervision with Prof. Bentz, 2021-
Leakage of air through a concrete containment structure
Muhammad Uzair Shafique, 2023-present
SSI simulation of small modular reactors
Yoon Jae Kim, 2024-present
Hybrid simulation method
Sahand Najafizadegan, 2024-present
Resilience of power grid network subjected to climate change
Mustafa Khattab, 2024-present
Low-carbon solutions in new design or upgrade of structures
Master Students (MASc, MEng)
Nickolas Seal, 2022-present, Co-supervision with Prof. Christopoulos
Multi-axial MDOF hybrid simulation
Samantha Seo, 2024-present, Co-supervision with Prof. Bentz
Leakage of air through a concrete containment structure
Visiting graduate students
Hyeokju Lee, 2025-present, visiting Ph.D. student from Chonnam National University, Korea
Seismic SSI analysis using PML method
Hikaru Fujioka, 2025-present, visiting Ph.D. student from Utsunomia University, Japan
Hybrid simulation of a bridge with self-centering concrete columns
Co-supervising graduate students in other institutions
Jaewhan Jeon, September 2022 – presen, MS/Ph.D. student at Seoul National University. Co-supervision with Prof. Junho Song
Dongjin Kim, August 2024 – present, MS/Ph.D. student at Seoul National University. Co-supervision with Prof. Junho Song
Jaehong Shim, PhD student at Seoul National University. Cosupervision with Prof. Hokyung Kim
SNU – UofT collaboration project: RTAHS method for a bridge deck section model

Hongzhou Zhang, Ph.D. Co-supervision with Prof. Christopoulos, 2019-2024.
Impacts of modeling uncertainties on the seismic performance assessment of buildings
Dongmin Lee, September 2023 – August 2024, Ph.D. student at Kyungpook National University
Shear behavior of high-strength and lightweight cementitious composites containing hollow glass microspheres and carbon nanotubes
Shangzhang Wang, January 2023 – December 2023, visiting Ph.D. student at Wuhan University of Technology, China
A numerically stable integrated simulation method for coupled dynamic systems
Moniruzzaman Moni, 2017-2024, Ph.D.
Real-time aeroelastic hybrid simulation for a base-pivoting model building in a wind tunnel
Dr. Chanyoung Kim, Sep. 2023 – Feb. 2024, Postdoctoral Fellow
Performance of a nuclear containment structure subjected to internal pressure
Pedram Mortazavi, Co-supervision with Prof. Christopoulos, 2016-2023.
Performance evaluation of EBF with cast-steel link elements through conventional tests and multi-axial hybrid simulations
Mohamed Sayed, 2015-2023. Ph.D., 2023-2024. PDF
Large-Scale Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction Simulation of Civil Infrastructures
Krishna Chandran, 2019-2023 Ph.D. , IIT Madras. Co-supervision with Prof. Arun Menon
Combined Seismic Response of Primary-Secondary Systems in Unreinforced Masonry Buildings
Dr. Taeyong Kim, August 2021 – February 2023, Postdoctoral Fellow
Deep-learning-based prediction of seismic response of nonlinear structural systems
Peiying Zhang, 2019-2022, MASc
Validation of Generalized Column Demand-Capacity Curves using the Hybrid Fire Simulation Method
Laurence Yin, 2022- Co-supervision with Prof. Bentz
Long-Term Stiffness and Shrinkage Strain Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Dr. Chulyoung Kang, June 2019 – June 2022. Ph.D. from Seoul National University under co-supervision with Prof. Junho Song.
Seismic system reliability analysis considering the correlation between EDPs
Dr. Xu Huang, June 2019 – June 2022. Postdoctoral Fellow
Seismic soil-structure-interaction; application of large-scale dynamic simulation framework.
Hyemin Shin, September 2021-2022. visiting Ph.D. student, Kyungpook National University, Korea
Development of a DNN model to suggest strength and stiffness parameters of retrofitted structures
Michel Rahman, 2019-2021. MASc. Co-supervised with Prof. Bentz
Non-destructive method for measuring in-situ stress of concrete
Taeyong Kim, co-supervised Ph.D. student at Seoul National, 2017-2021
SNU – UofT collaboration project: Deep-learning-based prediction of seismic response of nonlinear structural systems
Dr. Jamin Park, Postdoctoral Fellow, May 2018 – August 2021
Applications of pseudo-dynamic hybrid simulations to structures with link beams
Jungmin Lee, 2018-2021. Co-supervised with Prof. Bentz
Development of an experimental method for shrinkage prediction through a thickness of concrete
Eden Lee, MASc. 2017-2021. MASc. Co-supervised with Prof. Christopoulos
Large-scale Testing of Replaceable Cast Steel Links
Dr. Xuguang Wang, Ph.D. 2015-2021.
Development of hybrid fire simulation methods and its application to column fire tests
Raphael Fässler, February 2020 – July 2020, visiting MASc student, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Co-supervised with Prof. Stojadinovic at ETH Zurich.
Comparison of Dynamic and Neural Network Methods to Evaluate the Seismic Performance of Buildings
Wei Lu, BASc, 2019-2020.
Behaviour of steel subjected to cyclic strain rates induced by earthquake loading
Tianyi Stanley Cheng, 2017-2020. MASc. Co-supervised with Prof. Bentz
Advanced Applications for Finite Element Analysis in Assessment of Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Plants
Steve Chai, 2017-2018 (on leave of absence).
Macro element for soil-structure interaction analysis of shallow and deep foundations
Rossella Venezia, April 2019 – December 2019, visiting researcher, University of Naples, Italy
[EXCHANGE-RISK Project] Generation of artificial ground motions along a continuous natural gas pipeline conditioned on recorded ground motions
Zeinep Achmet, May 2019 – December 2019, visiting researcher, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy
[EXCHANGE-RISK Project] Development of a DNN model for one-dimensional site response analysis
Lawrence de Leeuw, July 2019 – December 2019, visiting Ph.D. student, University of Bristol, U.K.
[EXCHANGE-RISK Project] Impact of the friction at the soil-pipe interface and the layout of pipeline on temperature-induced axial stress distribution
Dimitrios Karanikas, July 2019 – December 2019, visiting Ph.D. student, University of Bristol, U.K
[EXCHANGE-RISK Project] Numerical modelling of a steel frame with masonry infills
Pavlos Ntovas, July 2019 – December 2019, visiting MASc student, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
[EXCHANGE-RISK Project] Development of a macro-element for interaction of soil and pipe subjected to multi-axial loading
Konstantinos Mixios, July 2019 – December 2019, visiting MASc student, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
[EXCHANGE-RISK Project] Finite element analysis of soil-pipe interaction
Joaquin Acosta, MASc, 2017-2019.
A Framework for the Integration of Models in Structural Design and Nonlinear Analysis for Performance-based Seismic Design of Buildings
Qiujin Ma, MASc, 2018-2019.
Influence of Frequency Content of Ground Motions on Seismic Fragility of Equipment of a Nuclear Power Plant
Marietta Eleni Kolokytha, September 2018 – May 2019, visiting researcher, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy
Vasileios Makos, September 2018 – May 2019, visiting researcher, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy
Yuchan Hwang, January 2018 – February 2019, visiting Ph.D. student. Co-supervised. Seoul National University.
Real-time Hybrid Simulation System for the Aeroelastic Phenomena of the Bridge Deck
Peiying Zhang, BASc, 2018-2019
Validation and application of digital image correlation method for strain field measurement.
Junyan (Steven) Xiao, BASc, 2018-2019
A software tool for automatic modelling of soil-foundation of bridges
Marco Aulla Villacres, BASc, winter 2019
Design of dynamic force generator for forced excitation tests
Dr. Xu Huang, Ph.D., 2013-2018.
Large-scale computational/experimental distributed simulation framework
Dr. Saeid Mojiri, Ph.D., 2013-2018. Co-supervised with Prof. Christopoulos.
Development of a 10-Element Hybrid Simulation Platform and its Application to Seismic Performance Assessment of Multi-Storey Braced Frames
Dr. Jinha Hwang, PDF, September 2017 – January 2019.
Hybrid seismic response simulation of post-tensioned precast concrete beam-column connection
Taehun Kim, September 2018 – December 2018, visiting MS student, Seoul National University, Korea
Development of modular data acquisition system for wind pressure and vibration measurements for wind tunnel tests
Jixuan Li, BASc, winter 2018
Analysis of a steel portal frame subjected to high temperature, 2018
Kyriakos Tryfonos, visiting Ph.D. student, University of Patras, Greece, September 2017 – August 2018.
[EXCHANGE-RISK Project] Experimental evaluation of cyclic response of soil-pipe interaction
Tarun Singhal, MASc, 2016-2018. Co-supervised with Profs. Bentz and Christopoulos
Civil infrastructure resilience assessment framework (CIRAF)
Julia Dury, MASc, 2016-2018. Co-supervised with Prof. Bentz
Effects of aging on concrete containment structures: An investigation in shrinkage and leakage
Dr. Sascha Daniel Pohoryles, PDF, January 2018 – March 2018.
Dr. George Baltzopoulos, visiting scholar, University of Naples, Italy, August 2017 – October 2017.
[EXCHANGE-RISK Project] Development of demonstration and training system for pseudo-dynamic hybrid simulation
Nikolaos Psyrras, visiting Ph.D. student, University of Bristol, U.K., September 2016 – August 2017.
[EXCHANGE-RISK Project] Numerical studies and preparation of hybrid (physical-experimental) simulation of natual gas pipelines
Dr. Vahid Sadeghian, PhD, 2012-2017
A framework for multi-platform analytical and experimental simulations of reinforced concrete structures
Lucy Ming Yan, BASc, Civil Engineering, 2017.
Evaluation of incidental torsion provisions in ASCE 7 and NBCC
Myron Chiyun Zhong, BASc, Civil Engineering, 2017.
Experimental study on low-cycle fatigue of cast steel
Winner of the Centennial Senior Project Award
Georgios Giotis, 2015-2017. Co-supervised with Prof. Sheikh
Development of a Weakly-Coupled Hybrid Simulation Method for Seismic Assessment and its Application to Reinforced Concrete Building Structure
Dr. Amir Reza Ghaemmaghami, PDF. Co-supervised with Profs. Christopoulos and Bentz. 2016.
Development of a seismic resilience assessment framework and its application to a nuclear power plant
Maya Nastic, MASc. Co-supervised with Prof. Bentz. 2014-2016.
Creep and shrinkage of concrete exposed to low relative humidity and high-temperature environments
Xiaolan Pan, visiting Ph.D. student, Harbin Institute of Technology November 2015 – October 2016.
Seismic performance assessment of masonry-infilled reinforced concrete frames with and without FRP rehabilitation
Steve Chai, MASc, 2013-2015.
Macro element for soil-structure interaction analysis of shallow foundations
Ryan Brown, BASc, Engineering Science, 2015-2016.
Modelling and analysis of vibration propagation from a subway tunnel
Hu (Carl) Zhan, MASc, 2012-2014.
Controller interface program (NICON) for hybrid simulation with multi-DOF systems
Kyle Maynard, MEng, 2013-2014.
Application of real-time communication protocol to distributed hybrid simulation
Neda Behravan, MEng,2014-2015.
Towards hybrid simulation of structures in fire
Dr. Savvas Papadopoulos, visiting Ph.D. student from Aristotle University Thessaloniki. 2014.
Collaborative research on EXCHANGE-SSI project (seismic performance of natural gas pipeline.)
Mohammad Dabirvaziri, MEng, 2014.
Seismic fragility of steel MRFs in Vancouver
Lucía Valentina Díaz Gómez, MASc, 2012-2014.
Seismic Fragility Analysis of Steel Moment Resisting Frames (MRF) Designed in Canada in 1960s, 1980s and 2010
Dr. Nikolaos D Lesgidis, visiting Ph.D. student from Aristotle University Thessaloniki. 2013-2014.
Development and verification of time-domain SSI modelling method for bridge structures considering frequency-dependent dynamic stiffness
Dr. Ciro Del Vecchio, visiting Ph.D. student from University of Naples “Federico II”. 2014.
Collaborative research on EXCHANGE-SSI project (Model development for hybrid simulation of a typical Italian Bridge.)
Maria Chiara Caruso, visiting researcher from University of Naples “Federico II”. 2014.
Collaborative research on EXCHANGE-SSI project (Parametric study on the effects of isolation bearings on bridge response.)
Amirali Najafi, BASc, 2013-2014.
Reconfigurable inelastic steel frame for small-scale shake table tests: design, shake table tests, and hybrid simulation
Clair Oh, BASc, 2014.
Validation of simplified nonlinear modelling method in ASCE41 through comparison with experimental results and FE analyses
Alex Duarte Laudon, MASc, 2011-2013
Nonlinear time-domain simulation strategy considering frequency-dependent soil and foundation response
John Kabanda, MASc, 2011-2013
Validation of nonlinear time-domain analysis method for SSI analysis against a large-scale seismic test of a NPP structure
Juan Francisco Carbonell, visiting Ph.D. student from Universidad de Granada, Spain. 2013.
Optimization of retaining wall design considering soil-wall interaction
Li Wencong, visiting professor. Assistant Professor, Fukuoka University. 2012-2013.
Seismic performance assessment of RC MRF retrofitted with active confinement and steel brace
Swati Kalia, BASc. Civil. 2013.
Effects of SSI on the vibration of structures nearby construction sites
Kyle Manyard, BASc. Engineering Science. 2013.
Effects of modelling assumptions for liquefiable soil-foundation system on seismic response of a bridge structure
Milad Sobhani, BASc. Civil. 2013
Development of an automated FE modelling tool for typical soil-foundation system
Hong Yi Yu, BASc. Civil. 2013
Development of Matlab scripts for dynamic impedance calculation for typical foundations
Kasper Woiceshyn, BASc. Engineering Science. 2012
Dynamic Behavior Prediction of a Reinforced Concrete Building Using Finite Element Analysis with OpenSees
Winner of the 2011 E-Defense Four-Story RC&PT Buildings Blind Prediction Contest (2-D model of the RC building in the frame direction)
Viswanath Kammula, MASc. 2012
Development of seismic fragility functions of self-centering brace system through hybrid (analysis-experiment) simulation
Xu Huang, MEng. 2012
Applicability criteria of fiber-section elements for the Modelling of RC Columns Subjected to Cyclic Loading
Ciro Del Vecchio, visiting Ph.D. student from University of Naples “FedericoII”. 2012.
Influence of modelling assumption on seismic fragility assessment of an RC bridge with shear-critical elements
Prof. Liping Liu, Visiting scholar from Chongqing University, China. 2009~2010
Eungsoo Kim, 2008~2010. Missouri S&T
Calibration of the Live Load factor in LRFD Bridge Design Specifications Based on State-Specific Traffic Environments
Three Dimensional Post-Earthquake Analysis of an RC Building Damaged by 2007 Peru-Chincha Earthquake